
Watch Seth Meyers imagine what grocery shopping is like for Donald Trump

Seth Meyers' "Closer Look" segment from Wednesday's episode of "Late Night" would have fit right in with the rest of the ribbing at Donald Trump's Comedy Central roast from 2011.

The comedian referenced the previous day's Florida rally where the president called for voter ID laws to stop undocumented immigrants. "Trump proved once again that he is a man of the people who is in touch with the lives of average Americans."

Apparently, Trump was under the impression that everyone has to show ID for menial tasks like grocery shopping. "If you go out and you want to buy groceries, you need a picture on a card, you need ID," Trump told supporters.

"No, you don't," Meyers responded, before adding, "Unless you're buying your groceries at a strip club." (He's right: In most cases, grocery store clerks only ask for photo identification when customers purchase alcohol or tobacco or request it on the back of their credit cards.)

Pulling no punches, Meyers imagined what grocery shopping might be like for the billionaire President, and it involved two helicopters and a manservant. Conjuring his best Trump voice, he said, “You need an I.D. to buy groceries, and then sometimes the groceries don’t fit in your helicopter. And your butler has to ride home in the second helicopter. You guys get it, I don’t know why I’m telling you this.”

Turning serious for a moment, Meyers tied Trump's comments back to his administration's  tax cuts proposal: “And true to form, the president who thinks you need ID to buy groceries also thinks that voters are demanding more tax cuts for rich people."

Meyers wasn't the only one who had a field day with the grocery comment. Twitter made a meal of it as well, altering the names of grocery-store chains, who are clearly endangering Americans' safety by not asking for ID when you buy toilet paper and milk: Traitor Joe's, Whole Frauds and our personal favorite, Russian Target

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