
Video shows man hanging on back of truck on Colorado interstate


AURORA, Colo. — Sometimes when you have to get somewhere, it’s easy to just hitch a ride.

A Colorado man recorded a video Friday that showed a man hanging off the back of a truck that was zipping along an interstate highway, KDVR reported.

David Meyer, of Aurora, said he was dumbfounded by the sight of the man casually holding the handles on the back of the truck.

“There is always crazy stuff that I, for whatever reason, just happened to see,” Meyer told KDVR. “(It) is the craziest, there is no doubt about it.”

Meyer said he was traveling northbound on I-25 near Orchard shortly before 8 a.m. The man was hanging onto the truck, which was traveling at 70 mph, KDVR reported.

“I thought someone had stuffed a pair of pants and a shirt, and put it on there,” Meyer told the television station. “As I got closer, I realized it was a real guy.”

Meyer said he was puzzled over the man’s action, and another driver attempted to get the truck driver’s attention, fearing a dangerous situation.

“I thought, ‘Is this just a kid doing a stunt?’ You see all this stuff on the news about people blocking traffic, blocking the highway, jumping on different trucks and vehicles,” Meyer told KDVR. “I had no idea what was going on.

“I noticed there was another vehicle talking to a truck driver, getting him to slow down, so I kind of pulled back. I was zoomed in pretty far. I was back several hundred feet from him, just in case anything were to happen.”

Colorado State Patrol trooper Josh Lewis said safety is a big concern in these kinds of cases.

“Not only is the person hanging on the back in an unsafe position, but anybody around them is now unsafe,” Lewis told KDVR. “Certainly, if that person falls off, they want to do what’s right and avoid them. But now they’ve put themselves in danger.”