
Halloween 2022: Most popular candy by state


As the country prepares for Halloween, it’s time to take a look at this year’s candy survey.

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Halloween celebrations are expected to return to pre-pandemic normalcy, according to the National Retail Federation. Consumers are expected to spend $3.1 billion on Halloween candy this year, a new record.

America’s favorite Halloween candy is Reese’s Cups, followed by Skittles and M&Ms. Those top three favorites remain unchanged from 2021. Check out the survey results, which includes the most popular candy for each state, at

More Halloween candy facts from the survey:

  • Consumers will spend $27.55 on average
  • 30 percent of Halloween purchases are made online
  • Halloween shopping is done primarily in the first two weeks of October
  • Over half of all parents stash Halloween candy to enjoy after the holiday

Here is the breakdown of each state’s favorite Halloween candy, according to