Democratic National Convention: Day 2 features Bill Clinton, Jill Biden; livestream

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Former President Bill Clinton will speak Tuesday evening at the 2020 Democratic National Convention, following an opening night with programming focused on unity.

Clinton, along with Dr. Jill Biden, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and others will continue the virtual nomination convention with the theme “Leadership Matters.”

"We'll hear from the leaders and the experts, the veterans and the activists, all those who seek to unite and not divide, and who step up — not back down — from a fight over what's right," the Democratic National Convention Committee said in a news release.

The first night of the convention saw an 18-minute pre-recorded speech in which former first lady Michelle Obama urged Democrats to vote for Joe Biden as if “your life depends on it.”

Most of the speeches on the first night were pre-recorded videos. The COVID-19 pandemic forced Democrats to cancel the planned in-person convention.

In addition to the speeches, viewers will see Biden's formal nomination by a pre-recorded roll call vote from all 57 states and territories.

Also, a group of 17 "rising stars" within the party – including former Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams and Pennsylvania Rep. Conor Lamb – will deliver the night's keynote address.

Biden will accept his party’s nomination on Thursday. Sen. Kamala Harris, D-California, will accept the nomination for vice president on Wednesday. Speeches will be streamed 9-11 p.m. EDT Monday-Thursday.

Here's how you can watch.

Who is speaking Tuesday?

Here is a list of the people speaking Tuesday night:

  • Former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates
  • Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer
  • Caroline Kennedy, former ambassador, daughter of President John F. Kennedy
  • Jack Schlossberg, grandson of President John F. Kennedy
  • Former President Jimmy Carter
  • Rosalynn Carter, former first lady
  • Bob King, former president of the United Auto Workers
  • Former Secretary of State John Kerry
  • Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
  • Congresswoman Lisa Blunt Rochester
  • Sen. Chris Coons, Delaware
  • Former President Bill Clinton
  • Former second lady Jill Biden

How to watch the DNC

The DNC livestream will be available on YouTube and the Democratic National Convention website.

If you are watching TV without cable, you can download the app “2020 DNC” to watch with Apple TV, Fire TV, Roku or your smart TV. If you are an Amazon Prime subscriber, you can watch the DNC on Amazon Prime Video.

If you have cable TV, these channels will be broadcasting the DNC:

ABC News

CBS News


Fox News


NBC News

PBS News

On social media, look for the hashtag #DemConvention.
