
Budweiser welcomes two Clydesdale foals to team of horses


The team that pulls the iconic Budweiser wagons has grown by two.

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The beer company announced some baby news as they welcomed two new foals to the barns at Warm Springs Ranch in Boonville, Missouri.

A colt and filly were both born recently at the breeding and training facility, KSDK reported.

The ranch opened in 2008 and has a mare/stallion and foaling barn, a veterinary lab and 10 pastures where more than 70 Clydesdales live.

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While the babies are on the small side, when compared to their adult counterparts, they weighed in at about 150 pounds and stand about 3 feet tall, the Columbia Daily Tribune reported. Eventually, they’ll be about 6-feet tall and weigh about 2,000 pounds when they reach adulthood.

When they’re that big, it is normal for them to eat 20 quarts of grain, 50 pounds of hay and drink 35 gallons of water each day, KSDK reported.