HARRIS COUNTY, Texas — A Texas teen shot herself in the leg Tuesday with a gun that was stolen from a home hours earlier, investigators said.
A 17-year-old girl was with another 17-year-old girl and a 16-year-old boy when she accidentally shot herself in the foot with an AK-47, KTRK reported.
The girl who was shot was taken to a hospital, where she is in critical condition, according to Constable Mark Herman, of Harris County Precinct 4.
She and the teen boy are being charged with unlawful carrying of a weapon and burglary of a habitation, ABC News reported. The sheriff also filed charges against the teen boy for tampering with evidence because the gun was thrown down a storm drain, ABC News reported.
"There were two females. The other one, we're still investigating that aspect of it. But if she was involved in the burglary, she'll get filed on, too, eventually," Herman told KTRK.