President Trump not a foodie, but is fond of certain foods

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The definition of a foodie, according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, is "a person having an avid interest in the latest food fads."

President Donald Trump is not a foodie.

The man knows what he wants to eat and doesn't give a hoot that he's not engaged in the latest culinary trends. You can keep your Tuscan kale, aioli and Buddha bowl. He'll have the meatloaf and McDonald's Filet-O-Fish sandwich washed down with a Diet Coke, thank you very much.

A forthcoming book by former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski and aide David Bossie details a Trump dinner of two Big Macs, two Filet-O-Fish sandwiches and a chocolate malt, according to The Washington Post, which received an advance copy of the book.

But Trump’s basic tastes shouldn’t surprise anyone who’s seen, followed or covered him over the years.

Shannon Donnelly, who has covered Trump and his life on Palm Beach for years for the Palm Beach Daily News, said his favorite meal is crab meat cocktail to start, then either Mrs. Trump's meatloaf (his mother's recipe) or chopped steak with mashed potatoes and gravy. You could assume the president also has a sweet tooth, as vanilla ice cream, cake and cookies have been mentioned often in media reports.

According to a Palm Beach Post interview with Trump's former butler at Mar-a-Lago, Tony Senecal, Trump likes steak, but he likes them well-done, overcooked even, with ketchup.

“He liked his meat well-done and he’d say, ‘No garbage with it,’” Senecal told the Post. By “garbage,” Senecal said he knew Trump meant no garnish, relishes or vegetables.