Stimulus update: Congress at a stalemate over second round of coronavirus relief

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WASHINGTON — Lawmakers from both parties agree Americans are in need of financial help to deal with the impact of the coronavirus pandemic, but they haven’t  been able to reach a deal on a second round of relief aid.

Democrats say the Republican “Skinny Stimulus” plan, which failed in the Senate this week, falls short of what’s needed.

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They say it should include more money for local and state Governments, among other measures.

On the other hand, the Republicans are accusing the Democrats of being unwilling to compromise.

Republicans on Capitol hill are pushing for  an extra $300 dollars a week in unemployment benefits, instead of the previous $600.

Economic experts have urged Congress to act quickly.

“Congress has to address the eviction crisis and the foreclosure crisis, with tens of millions of people facing the loss of their homes from unemployment, underemployment, lack of liquidity and a recession,” National Urban League President Marc Morial said.

It’s possible a deal won’t be reached until after the election.

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Democrats have reportedly pushed for smaller proposals, which they argue are more likely to get Republican support, but party leaders say it would hurt their efforts to reach a deal on a broader package.