Timeline of how OneOrlando money will be distributed to victims, survivors

ORLANDO. Fla. — A draft proposal has been released Thursday that explains how money from OneOrlando will be distributed to victims’ and survivors of the Pulse nightclub mass shooting.

More than $20 million has been donated to help the families of the 49 people killed and the 53 others injured on June 12 at Pulse nightclub.

The city has said for weeks the funds would be released to those impacted by October, and Eyewitness News has been pushing to get more details.

Two town hall meetings are scheduled for Aug. 4, at 12:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m., at the Amway Center to get feedback from the public.

Kenneth R. Feinberg is the administrator of the OneOrlando Fund and released more on the next steps to keep the community informed on the distribution of money.

  • Aug. 4, 2016: Two town hall meetings at 12:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. conducted by the fund administrators in Orlando, Florida, each lasting for 90 minutes.
  • Aug. 11, 2016: The final protocol and claim forms disseminated to all known claimants and potential claimants who registered through the fund website. These documents will be made available on the OneOrlando Fund website for families and all interested parties.
  • Aug. 11 – Sept. 12, 2016: Claim forms completed and submitted to the fund administrators along with the required documentation.
  • Sept. 12, 2016: Deadline for submission of claim forms.
  • Sept. 12 – Sept. 25, 2016: All personal meetings requested with the fund administrators completed.
  • Sept. 12 – Sept. 26, 2016: All claims reviewed by the fund administrators and recommendations for payments to eligible claimants submitted to the OneOrlando Fund board for independent review and approval.
  • Sept. 27, 2016: Payment distribution to approved eligible claimants begins on a rolling basis.
  • After Oct. 15, 2016: Independent audit begins.

The city has set up an assistance center for those impacted by the Pulse tragedy and who need immediate assistance.  People can schedule an appointment through 407-500-HOPE or by visiting cityoforlando.net/hope.

The OneOrlando Fund is still taking donations from those who are interested.