Photos: Molly of "Molly's Law" honored with statue in Ocala
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Namesake of Marion County’s animal abuser registry law memorialized with statue The dog whose name was given to the Marion County law that prohibits animal abusers from owning pets has been memorialized with a statue. (Marion County Government)
Namesake of Marion County’s animal abuser registry law memorialized with statue “Molly” of Molly’s Law passed away earlier this year at 15 years of age. (Marion County Government)
Namesake of Marion County’s animal abuser registry law memorialized with statue Molly's story of abuse at the hands of a previous owner inspired the law establishing a publicly accessible database of people identified in Marion County as animal abusers.
(Marion County Government)
Namesake of Marion County’s animal abuser registry law memorialized with statue Approved by the Board of Commissioners in 2016, the "Animal Abuser Registry" is meant to help Marion County residents, pet sellers, and rescue organizations avoid placing animals with people who have been convicted of animal abuse crimes.
(Marion County Government)
Namesake of Marion County’s animal abuser registry law memorialized with statue From the time she was rescued, Molly lived with Lilly Baron, who is now the President of Ocala’s SPCA. (Marion County Government)
Namesake of Marion County’s animal abuser registry law memorialized with statue Several local and state officials were on hand Wednesday morning to unveil the statue commemorating Molly. (Marion County Government)
Namesake of Marion County’s animal abuser registry law memorialized with statue The statue, created by Florida-based sculptor Nilda Comas, will sit near Ocala City Hall. (Marion County Government)
Namesake of Marion County’s animal abuser registry law memorialized with statue The dog whose name was given to the Marion County law that prohibits animal abusers from owning pets has been memorialized with a statue. (Marion County Government)