
Man arrested after claiming he had bomb on Ormond Beach bus, police say


VOLUSIA COUNTY, Fla. — Ormond Beach police took a man into custody after he allegedly claimed he had a bomb on a bus Wednesday.

Officers said Willie Taylor, 57, was on a Votran bus around 8:52 a.m. and allegedly stated he had a bomb.

The bus was stopped in the 900 block of South Atlantic Avenue and the area was blocked as law enforcement officials responded, officers said.

During the incident, the nearby Seabreeze High School went on lockdown as a precaution, officers said.

Police said Taylor ordered everyone off the bus during the incident.

Officers said they spoke with Taylor and eventually coaxed him off the bus.

The Volusia County Sheriff's Office bomb squad used a robot to search the bus and found two backpacks belonging to the suspect, officers said.

Officals said the bags were searched and no explosives were found.

Aerial video from Skywitness 9 showed officers taking a man into custody around 11:30 a.m.


Police said Taylor was arrested and is facing several charges, including false report of a bomb threat, aggravated assault and disorderly conduct.