What do you do with sandbags after a storm?

ORLANDO, Fla. — Sandbags can be used to protect your home from flooding, but what do you do with them after a storm passes?

Here’s how you can reuse sandbags, according to Orange County leaders.

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  • If your sandbags have been contaminated, they should be properly disposed of.
  • Uncontaminated sandbags may be stored on your property for reuse. However, mold can become a problem if they are wet. Ensure sandbags are stored in a dry place.
  • Burlap and plastic sandbags free of contaminants may be reused at other flood sites or for a different use such as construction or permanent earthen structures.
  • Uncontaminated dirt or sand (contents of the sandbag) may be reused on your property assuming the material is not used to fill a wetland or other protected area.
  • Clean empty bags may be reused or disposed of as other waste would be.

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Orange County leaders ask residents to not place filled sandbags in your normal garbage or at the curb for disposal. Full sandbags will not be picked up.

Click here to learn more sandbag tips.