
Viera High School cancels Friday’s football game after hazing incident


BREVARD COUNTY, Fla. — The Brevard County Schools superintendent said Viera High School’s football team will return to the football field Wednesday for practice.

However, Friday’s scheduled game has been canceled, Brevard Public Schools announced Wednesday.


It comes after football actives were suspended over a locker room hazing incident that was caught on camera.

The mother of a boy who was hazed spoke to the school board Tuesday night about how her son is feeling.

Original report: Team activities suspended following hazing incident with Viera High School football players

She says his life has been turned upside down.

School officials said the entire football took has taken part in an anti-hazing program to learn from their mistakes and to make sure a situation like this doesn’t happen again.

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But the mother of the victim says that’s not enough.

According to the superintendent the football team can practice but he hasn’t made a decision about when they will be allowed to compete again.

See more in the video above.

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