2 girls, boy arrested for murder of Florida high school student

MIAMI — Two teenage girls and a teenage boy have been arrested on suspicion of murdering an 18-year-old high school student in South Florida.

Police in Miramar, Florida said in a news release the young man had been missing for two days when his body was found last Tuesday near his apartment complex.

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Officers searching the area first saw blood stains and later saw the body in the bushes.

Police spokeswoman Tania Rues said a 16-year-old girl, a 17-year-old girl and a 17-year-old boy were charged with murder in the first degree, tampering with evidence and criminal conspiracy. They were arrested late Friday and Saturday.

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The Associated Press is not naming them because they are minors.

Rues told The South Florida Sun Sentinel that video surveillance that captured aspects of the crime helped investigators. It was not clear if it had captured the killing.

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The mother of the 18-year-old student first reported him missing on Oct. 17. Two days later, the principal of Miramar High School, Maria Formoso, expressed her condolences to the family of the student on Twitter and said the school would make grief counselors available to other students.

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