SEMINOLE COUNTY, Fla. — The COVID-19 pandemic pointed out the challenges residents around the country face to get connected to the internet.
Now there is a big push to get fiber optic lines installed in order to get everyone connected, but here in Central Florida, that push is coming with a cost.
Eyewitness News found out subcontractors hired by the companies are not doing their due diligence when the dig to install those lines.
Officials in Altamonte Springs and Winter Springs said residents are paying the price with disruptions to water and sewer services as well as property damage these contractors are causing as the install those new lines.
Moises Guzman of Winter Springs said subcontractors for WOW! came to install fiber lines in his neighborhood. One day sewage began backing up into his home. City workers came out to inspect what the issue might be.
“And so finally, they were able to install the camera in there, and they saw the blockage. And they found out what the area with the blockage was. And eventually determined that it was caused by work that was being done by WOW!,” Guzman said.
Guzman said WOW! has been responsive to his complaints and is hopeful they will fix the damage; however, this is just one of the many issues we found.
The city of Winter Springs began keeping track of incidents involving WOW! contractors beginning in September. In that timeframe there have been 10 water main breaks and that sewer line break at Guzman’s home.
“We’ve had hundreds of interactions with residents to try to get the misdeeds and sloppy work with the fiber contractors fixed,” said Altamonte Springs city manager Frank Martz.
Martz said municipalities in both Orange and Seminole counties, and FDOT are sharing notes on the fiber companies and their contractors and how to deal with them.
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“So, we require them to pay for all of the repairs, whether we go do it or they go do it,” Martz said.
The city of Altamonte Springs gave Eyewitness News dozens of email complaints they sent detailing the damages caused by crews, which Martz said is avoidable.
“If it’s possible to have had a bad occurrence with these fiber folks we’ve had that.” said Martz. “We’ve had one of our intersections, that had a 10 by 10 by 12-foot-deep hole in the middle of an intersection and it was shut down for a week.”
Martz said they had to pull their permits back on March 3rd and shut the work down for repeated and significant damage to the city’s water lines.
In a Statement to Eyewitness News. Artney Dennis, Operations Manager for WOW! Wrote:
“WOW! is committed to the Altamonte Springs and Winter Springs communities as it works to bring Central Florida residents brand new, state-of-the-art fiber optic infrastructure. As with any large-scale infrastructure project such as this, we recognize there may be disruptions while our crews are working and are diligent in taking the necessary precautions to avoid impacts on residents and businesses as much as possible, as well as take responsibility when we are at fault for any disruptions.
WOW! works closely with all the proper municipal leaders and area utilities to gain appropriate approvals and permits, especially when construction is taking place. We swiftly address issues when they arise and proactively meet with city leaders on a regular basis to address construction progress and any concerns. WOW! continues to be in touch with local authorities to address these identified issues as quickly as possible and apologizes for any inconvenience.
WOW! obtains permits to use public easements between the sidewalk and street and rights of way to install fiber. We do not install fiber on private property. Notifications are provided to homeowners two weeks before construction activities, as well as again the day before. If a homeowner believes WOW! has damaged their property, they should contact WOW! at 321 233-2236 or by emailing WOW! will promptly repair damage for which we are responsible at no cost to the homeowner.”
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