Seminole County

Seminole County commissioners against land swap deal for development near conservation area


SEMINOLE COUNTY, Fla. — Seminole County commissioners voted against a land swap deal with a local developer that would bring major development to an area devoted to conservation.

The vote keeps a federal lawsuit against the county going.

Seminole County commissioners spent Tuesday morning behind closed doors going over litigation with developer Chris Dorworth.

READ: Potential land swap in Seminole County draws debate

Dorworth has been trying to build his Rivercross development along the Little Econ River near Chuluota.

The latest proposal to end the federal lawsuit was a land swap. Dorworth would give up his hundreds of acres of land within the rural boundary in exchange for the 238 acres of the Econ Wilderness Area.

When commissioners came back into session, Commissioner Lee Constantine voted to keep fighting in court.

"I would like to move that we end discussions of potential swap of the Econ Wilderness Area and send the Rivercross case back to federal court,” he said.

There were no residents who called in to the virtual meeting in support of the land swap. All voiced opposition to the deal.

The commissioners voted four to one against the land swap and keep fighting the federal lawsuit.

Jeff Levkulich

Jeff Levkulich,

Jeff Levkulich joined the Eyewitness News team as a reporter in June 2015.

Sarah Wilson

Sarah Wilson,

Sarah Wilson joined WFTV Channel 9 in 2018 as a digital producer after working as an award-winning newspaper reporter for nearly a decade in various communities across Central Florida.