Police: Altamonte Springs school resource officer subject of child porn investigation

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ALTAMONTE SPRINGS, Fla. — An Altamonte Springs police officer who works as a school resource officer is the subject of a child porn investigation, police said in a statement on Tuesday.

The school district confirmed that Steven Selph worked as the school resource officer at Spring Lake Elementary.


Altamonte Springs police said they were notified Tuesday that Florida Department of Law Enforcement agents served a search warrant at Selph’s home related to a child porn investigation.

Police said criminal charges have not been filed, but Selph is suspended without pay pending further information from FDLE.

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The school district said it doesn’t believe any Spring Lake Elementary students were involved in the investigation.

“We will continue to work with law enforcement to ensure the safety and security of our students, staff, and school community,” the district said in a statement.

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Police said the investigation into Selph, who was hired by the department in April 2009, is ongoing.

“The subject of this investigation directly conflicts with the values and mission of the Altamonte Springs Police Department,” the department said. “Our officers will continue to protect and serve the residents and our community with professionalism and transparency throughout this unfortunate process.”

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The police department said Selph started as a school resource officer in 2019.

The department said he’d been investigated by the department twice previously, once for being involved in a crash in 2012 and for having his department-issued rifle stolen from an unlocked car in 2015.

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