
Seminole County leaders consider major re-branding campaign

SEMINOLE COUNTY, Fla. — Seminole County officials said the plans for a new "Orlando North" logo will only be for state, national and international tourism marketing.

Seminole County government signs and logos will stay the same.

Officials said the new marking campaign would help tourists identify with the area.

The county re-branding plans include a proposed logo that would replace the current one, which focuses on nature and includes the slogan, "Florida's Natural Choice."

Residents have mixed feelings about the idea.

"If you want everyone to think this is Orlando, then that works, but if you want to be apart from Orlando, then it kind of doesn't," resident Lisa Roder said.

"It kind of lets people know where we are located at anyway, you know, north of Orlando," resident Timothy Gallagher said.

The county paid consultants to come up with the proposals and officials are hoping the effort will draw more tourists to Seminole County.

A study done in 2010 and 2014 found that some who have visited the county don't remember the name "Seminole" as much as "Orlando."

The campaign could include a new website, social media initiatives, brochures, visitor guides and advertisements.

No information has been released on how much the re-branding could cost if it's approved.