Pulse nightclub shooting survivors sue Orlando, its police

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ORLANDO, Fla. — A lawsuit has been filed related to the mass shooting at Pulse nightclub in Orlando.

Next Tuesday marks two years since Omar Mateen opened fire, killing 49 people and injuring 53 others.

Some of the surviving victims are filing a lawsuit in federal court, saying the city and police didn't do enough to try to stop the shooter.

Speaking at a news conference were two people who were at Pulse on June 12, and the brother of a victim. Their suit was filed Thursday in federal court. 
More than 35 victims signed on as plaintiffs, accusing the city and its officers of violating the Constitutional rights of those who were injured and killed that night.
They allege that an off-duty Orlando officer at the club that evening should have more aggressively confronted the shooter.

The Orlando Police Department released a statement that said, "The City of Orlando has not seen the lawsuit, nor have we been formally served with the lawsuit. We can't comment on the substance of the litigation. 
Nearly two years after the horrific act of hate inside the Pulse nightclub, our community continues to mourn the 49 lives taken and provide support for all those impacted. On the morning of June 12, 2016, federal, state and local law enforcement officers and first responders put themselves in harm's way to save as many lives as possible. 
Our first responders are committed to the safety of this community, and they stand ready to protect and serve."

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Watch: New study says different tactics could have saved more Pulse victims