
FSU shooting suspect's background

TALLAHASSEE — Channel 9 spent Thursday digging into the background of a man who opened fire on Florida State University's campus, injuring three people.

Police said they have a journal and videos that indicate the suspect, Myron May, believed the government had targeted him.

May was armed a handgun when he walked into the Strozier Library and opened fire. He was killed when he exchanged gunfire with officers outside the building.

Channel 9's Kenneth Craig said police repeatedly said May was in a "state of crisis," which looked to be clear as Craig viewed the suspect's Facebook page.

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Some who claimed to know May told Channel 9 he was having "financial issues and seemed a little down," but they never thought he was capable of opening fire.

In his Facebook photo, May wears a suit and bow tie.  He posted often, but many were dark and often biblical verses, including his last one before the shooting that read, "Blessed are the poor in spirit; for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.'"

May was a FSU graduate and lawyer who went to Tech University's law school in 2009.

His Facebook page claims he was in-house counsel for a panhandle nonprofit for children, although those people claim he was just staying there.

One of his most recent posts was a video and his claims that the government is spying on citizens and violating their rights.

Police also said during a news conference that May had two criminal cases when he was at FSU, one involving suspicion of marijuana and the other when he was the victim of a vehicle burglary.

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