Osceola County

Driver to face charges in SR 429 crash that killed 4 family members from Massachusetts, FHP says


OSCEOLA COUNTY, Fla. — Charges are pending against the driver of a truck that rear-ended a bus carrying a family vacationing from Massachusetts on State Road 429 and killed four of them Tuesday night. However, it’s unclear what those charges will be, Florida Highway Patrol officials said.

“Under Florida law, he is able to drive until we complete our investigation and put forth any charges," FHP Lt. Kim Montes said. “Charges are pending against him. He will be charged, it’s just not been determined as to what charge he’ll receive.”

READ MORE: FHP: 3 family members, including child, killed in Osceola County crash

Troopers said 76-year-old Josephine Fay, 41-year-old Julie Smith and 5-year-old Scarlett Smith all died as a result of the crash. Officials said 11-year-old Jackson Smith died Wednesday afternoon after he was initially listed as being in critical condition and unresponsive on life support.

FHP said the crash happened around 5:30 p.m. along the southbound lanes of S.R. 429 at Sinclair Road when Lucas Dos Reis Laurindo, 26, failed to yield when traffic began to build up in front of his vehicle. Officials said the truck then slammed into the back of the van that carried eight family members inside.

“It is beyond tragic for them,” FHP Lt. Kim Montes said. “They are having a very hard time handling this. You’re not in your home space. You’re on vacation so you’re supposed to be enjoying this. (The crash) totally threw them off guard and with the volume of people that they lost, this is so tragic.”

Troopers said Laurindo stayed on scene and is cooperating, and that he did not appear to be impaired.

“It’s a little too soon for us to look at charges,” Montes said. “Typically, a criminal charge, like vehicular homicide, is made in a criminal case where there’s intent but, again, it’s way too soon for us to see what level this would rise.”

Scarlett’s twin sister was not injured in the crash, according to officials. The surviving family members, including the father, grandfather and 10-year-old girl, are all being treated for minor injuries at the hospital.

The crash closed all southbound lanes on S.R. 429 while an investigation took place.

Troopers said they may need up to six months to complete the investigation.

Officials said traffic was slowing for congestion but it is unclear why Dos Reis Laurindo did not slow down as well.

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Christopher Boyce, WFTV.com

Christopher Boyce joined WFTV in January of 2019.