Orange County

‘Curbside care’ option keeps veterinarian practice open for pet care during coronavirus pandemic


ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. — When the stay-at-home order goes into effect in Orange County on Thursday night, select essential business will remain open, including your local animal hospital.

Dr. Yaicha Peters, with East Orlando Animal Hospital, said her office will remain open as long as it can while still maintaining a social distance.

READ: Coronavirus and pets: Your questions answered

For now until the unforeseeable future, her animal hospital will be offering something it likes to call “curbside care.”

Watch the video above for an explanation on how the process works.

The purpose of the process is to cut down on the spread and flatten the curve while caring for your pets.

Sarah Wilson

Sarah Wilson,

Sarah Wilson joined WFTV Channel 9 in 2018 as a digital producer after working as an award-winning newspaper reporter for nearly a decade in various communities across Central Florida.