
Orange County sheriff considers law to require gun, pawn shops to better secure firearms


ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. — The Orange County sheriff is asking gun and pawn shop owners to lock up their weapons at night.

Orange County Sheriff John Mina is also looking into whether it should become law, after 60 guns were taken last month during burglaries in two counties.

The Orange County Sheriff's Office, along with federal agents, hasn't yet arrested anyone involved in the break-ins at four gun shops last month.


"Let's not make it easy for the bad guys, let's do something to stop it," Mina said.

The guns and accessories were stolen starting July 7 at the Lord of War Firearms in Oviedo

"They stole eight firearms off the wall, a bunch of high-end optics and also had taken some of the custom parts that we had in here, as well," shop owner Justin Eplin said.

More than two dozen weapons were stolen at the Oak Ridge Gun Range 10 days later, the Godfather Pawn Shop on July 24 and the Armories Gun Shop in Seminole County the next day.

Mina said there must be a better way to stop the thefts and he said securing those weapons at night is a good start.

Some gun shop owners said they are not sure they can get that done.

"I don't think that excuse holds water," Mina said. "Like I said, maybe it's a matter of putting them in a safe. Maybe it's a matter of securing them with cables to the wall. There has got to be something."

Mina said he will work with local politicians to see what, if any, laws could be put in place and he thinks he can get some backing from other sheriffs.

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