Orange County family pleads for information on disabled son's killing

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ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. — The family of a disabled man killed almost four months ago in Orange County is pleading for help in finding whoever is responsible.

Yulon Wallace was found dead in March on Good Homes Road.

Detectives have not identified a suspect, but Wallace’s family hopes getting the word out about their loved one’s death will lead to some clues.

“He was a really great kid. No violence at all. Very jovial and very helpful,” said the victim’s brother, Romeo Wallace.

Romeo Wallace said his brother, who went by his middle name, Jasen, had a learning disability and would often ride his bike around the Pine Hills area.




“Jasen did not leave the community usually,” he said.

Detectives said Romeo Wallace’s body was found March 19 by Lake Florence on Good Homes Road.

Investigators have not said how he was killed, but said there was trauma to his body.

His father, Texus Wallace, said the family knew something was wrong the day before the body was found.

“My birthday event was March 18 and he was expected to be there, and he did not show up so we tried calling him several times and there was no answer,” he said.

The family worries Yulon Wallace’s trusting nature may have put him in danger.

“We believe someone took advantage of his kindness, his slight disability and murdered him,” said Texus Wallace. “We’re assuming that it was somebody that he would have (trusted) to be with.”

Detectives said they have narrowed down a possible motive, but aren’t releasing that information.

The Crimeline reward for information on the case is up to $10,000.