
‘It is out of control’: Residents concerned about constant crashes along Poinciana Boulevard


OSCEOLA COUNTY, Fla. — It’s a known problem for the Poinciana Community – the traffic along Poinciana Boulevard can be tricky. “I’ve lived here for 16 years, and it wasn’t as bad. I could get from point A to point B in a reasonable time. Not you got to triple that time,” said Emmy Torres who lives in the area.


Residents who reached out to Channel 9 also said traffic jams are not the only problem – Poinciana Boulevard, especially near Pleasant Hill Road, is also dangerous. “It’s out of control, Poinciana is out of control,” said Torres. “I have two teens who are in the age of wanting to drive. So not only is this a concern for me, but also for them.”

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Eyewitness News has reported multiple times on crashes – many of them fatal – in the same area. Transit experts say there are measures that could be taken right now to improve safety on the roads. “There are locations that have immediate needs and the community is needing changes as soon as possible,” said Erik Katz, Transit Planner. “Looking at the existing conditions of that location i can see that there are opportunities to create more space for crosswalks, more sidewalks, perhaps separation for bikes. Maybe improve signage, changing signal timing, traffic signals within that intersection.”

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Right now, there are multiple projects underway in hopes to improve the transit and make it safer for everyone, according to Osceola County, in partnership with Florida Department of Transportation and the Central Florida Expressway Authority.

1. US17-92 and Pleasant Hill Road Quad Road: project being advanced by the Florida Department of Transportation in coordination with Osceola County to help relieve traffic at the US 17-92 intersection at Pleasant Hill Road. For more information on that project - https://www.cflroads.com/project/418403-7

2. Osceola County also recently completed an access management study for Pleasant Hill Road to improve safety along the roadway. The county is now working on design and funds to implement the recommendations included in that that study, which examines median openings, traffic signalization and the like.

3. Poinciana Parkway Extension: This is a Central Florida Expressway Authority (CFX) Project that would also provide relief for some of the traffic in Poinciana. Details about the current study underway: https://www.cfxway.com/agency-information/plans-studies/project-studies/poinciana-parkway-extension-pde/

4. CR532 / Osceola Polk County Line Road: This project, which is being designed by CFX, is intended to be done in coordination with the CFX improvements to CR 532 in conjunction with the Poinciana Parkway Extension. The project calls for the widening of CR 532 (Osceola Polk County Line Road) from 2-lane Rural Arterial to 4-lane Divided Urban Framework Roadway. That project is in the Project Development and Environment (PD&E) phase of development, and progress on that study can be reviewed here: https://www.cfxway.com/agency-information/plans-studies/project-studies/county-road-532-osceola-polk-line-road-widening/

5. CR532 and I-4 Intersection Improvements: FDOT, in coordination with Osceola County, recently completed an interchange rebuild to help address some of the congestion issues at that intersection near the Championsgate area. Information available at https://i4beyond.com

6. Storey Creek Boulevard: This is a connector framework roadway that is being constructed by developers to provide a connection between Pleasant Hill Road and Reaves Road. The Reaves Road side has started, and the County is coordinating with the developer on a timeline for the portion at Pleasant Hill Road to complete the connection.

7. Marigold Avenue and the intersections of Peabody, Laurel Avenue and San Lorenzo: FDOT last year conducted a safety study of this area and recommended that the three intersections be redesigned as roundabouts. That project is currently in design, with construction expected to begin in late 2024. More information on that project can be found at www.osceola.org/go/marigoldavenue.

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While projects get underway, Emmy Torres has one message to her community. “We all have families, we all have lives, we all want to come home at night. We all want to be able to know our kids are safe out there. Just have that in mind all the time.”

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