
How secure is your security? How to prevent your feed from being streamed online


ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. — It's common to see cameras in and around homes and businesses, but what some people with video security systems may not know is that someone else could have access to the footage.

On a website called Insecam, there are thousands of surveillance camera feeds from around the world.

Among them are close to 100 streams in Central Florida, including places like day cares and homes.

Eric Model, who sells and installs security cameras for a living, said while more people are investing in their own surveillance system, in some ways, they are making themselves more vulnerable.

He said footage could pop up on websites like Insecam if people don’t secure their cameras.

Model advised people to only buy cameras that require a password to view the footage.

Some camera systems don't require a password.

He also suggested that people set their systems to private mode.

“Some of those cameras are directly connected to the internet and then if they do make those public, boom, you have access,” Model said.

Channel 9 reporter Megan Cruz found the video stream of a store in Lake Buena Vista on Insecam.

That means, burglars may know when to swoop in.

Model said even seemingly user-friendly security cameras could get set up wrong.

He said it pays off to do research beforehand or hire a professional do the set up.