
Happy Birthday, Orlando! Fun facts about our City Beautiful

Did you know that the town of Orlando was incorporated on July 31, 1875?

ORLANDO, Fla. — Here are some fun facts about Orlando’s history:

  • The Town of Orlando was incorporated in 1875 with 85 inhabitants, 22 of whom were qualified voters.
  • According to the city of Orlando's website, there are four stories that tell the tale of how The City Beautiful got its name:
1. - Judge James Speer, who worked hard in getting Orlando as the county seat, named Orlando after a man who once worked for him. 
2. - Another version is that Speer named it after a character from Shakespeare’s “As You Like It.”
3. - A third version has Mr. Orlando on his way to Tampa with a caravan of ox. It is said that he got ill, died and was buried, and that folks would come by and say, “There lies Orlando.”
4. - Sentinel Orlando Reeves was guarding a military camp during the height of the Seminole Wars when he spotted a log floating toward him. Recognizing an Indian disguise and wanting to warn his fellow soldiers, he fired his gun. Arrows hit him as the Indians came out to ambush the camp. The Indians were chased back again, and the south side of Lake Eola was chosen to bury Orlando Reeves.

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  • In the 19th century, Orlando was the hub of Florida's citrus industry.
  • The coming of theme park giant Walt Disney World changed the city into a mecca for tourism in the 20th century.
  • Orlando is a global leader in the 21st century innovation economy, according to the city of Orlando's website.
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