Government-subsidized complex tries to evict disabled man over dirty apartment

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ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. — An Orange County woman said she's fighting to keep her disabled father-in-law off the streets now that his government-subsidized complex is trying to evict him because his apartment isn't clean enough

The tenant's attorney said Florida law works against people in Levine Jordan’s situation and said state law doesn't give them much protection if the complex tells them it's time to go, even if there isn't a valid reason

Jordan can't stand up on his own and can’t speak due to a neurological disorder.

“He has uncontrollable jerks and movements,” said his daughter-in-law, Octavio Gibson.

Soon, Jordan might be living on the streets because he can't keep his apartment clean.

"He had clothes. He had a lot of bins piled up,” said Gibson.

Gibson said the complex also got irked that Jordan couldn't move his wheelchair from his front patio.

"They were mad because he couldn't get it from outside to inside, but he can't push it,” Gibson said.

Gibson, who is Jordan’s power of attorney, hired lawyer Ortavia Simon.

Simon said state law works against people like Jordan, and tenants in general.

"These laws do not protect the rights of tenants, and they're at a huge disadvantage. They have no leverage to negotiate a lot of the times,” he said.

He explained tenants have five days to respond to an eviction notice, instead of the 20 days allowed for other civil cases.

Simon also wants to know how the complex can accuse Jordan of not keeping his apartment clean, when it's done nothing to fix a rat problem.

"That appears not to be his fault. If there are infestation issues, that would be on the fault of the apartment complex,” said Simon.

The complex was closed Tuesday.

Channel 9 reporter Mike Manzoni left a message with the complex owner, but has not gotten a response.

A court order filed Tuesday morning will keep Jordan in his home for at least 30 days.