
Developers decide to not tear down Bob Carr Performing Arts Center

ORLANDO, Fla. — Channel 9 has learned the Bob Carr Performing Arts Center in Orlando will be put to a new use.

Developers of the $1 billion Creative Village Project have changed their mind and won't demolish the 88-year-old building after all, and they're now looking for ideas on how to repurpose the aging building.

"I will tell you the original master plan, honestly, it called for it to come down," said Tim Baker of Bakerbarrios Architects.

The development team made the decision to keep the building after hearing from community members on what the theater means to them.

The idea is that by preserving the structure, they're preserving events that have happened inside it, some of which are on display in the hallway.

Countless graduations for local students have been held at the center, and even Elvis visited (and then left) the building.

Developers aren't sure what they'll turn the center into, but they said it can't host performances that would compete with the new Doctor Philips Center for the Performing Arts, according to the contract the new performing arts center has with the city.

And developers are open to any suggestions.

"We haven't pinpointed what it's going to be repurposed for," said Baker. "All we know is that it's a beautiful structure that the creative class will love."

Developers said it's cheaper to repurpose the building than to tear it down and start from scratch.

LINK: CreativeVillageDevelopment.com

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