
Detectives seek additional victims of serial sexual assault suspect in Central Florida


FLAGLER COUNTY, Fla. — Detectives from the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office, Orange County Sheriff’s Office, Osceola County Sheriff’s Office, and the State Attorney’s Office are seeking to identify additional victims of a serial sexual assault suspect.


Investigators said Orlando resident Pelfrene St. Fort, 25, is accused of engaging in several sexual relationships with girls between the ages of 13 and 16.

Deputies said St. Fort told the girls that he was 17 or 18 years of age and led them to believe that they were in a dating relationship before forcing them to engage in sexual acts.

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Deputies said they have identified at least two victims in Flagler County, one victim in Orange County, and one victim in Osceola County.

Investigators said they believe there are additional victims in Central Florida and Northeast Florida.

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St. Fort was arrested after fleeing from a traffic stop in March and was on the way to the home of an underage female he was having a relationship with, deputies said.

“This multi-county serial dirtbag has been luring, conning, and forcing young girls across Central and Northeast Florida to sexually assault them,” said Flagler County Sheriff Rick Staly. “Coming forward as a victim can be scary and intimidating, but we are here to help you through the process and help you with our victim advocates. Working together, we can prevent him from ever assaulting another child.”

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Anyone with information or who may be a victim of St Fort is asked to contact the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office.

“I’m sure a lot of them are probably nervous to let their parents know they were meeting with an adult. But it’s OK. We are here to help them,” Detective Kathryn Gordon said.

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