
Caretaker accused of taking disabled patient charged, appears in court

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. — The woman accused of plotting and taking a severely disabled woman from her therapy facility has been charged by the state attorney’s office.

Thursday only channel 9 was inside the courtroom when this woman 57-year-old Deborah Hodge asked to get her caretaking license back.


It was one of the main conditions the state put on Hodge when she was released on bond. It was also revealed in court that when police found the victim there was another unidentified adult with severe disabilities in the vehicle and that’s being investigated as well.

Today 57-year-old Deborah Hodge stayed tucked behind a wall in court.

Hodge is accused of plotting and taking a 23-year-old adult with severe disabilities from the Quest Learning Center in Apopka. That 23-year-old had previously been removed as a patient from Hodge’s care.

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In court, the state stated the defendant is alleged to have intercepted the victim and potentially a second individual, while they were going to and from their training facilities and residential facilities.

After Hodge’s arrest, the state requested the following conditions: She can’t go within 500 feet of the victim or any quest learning facility. Hodge could not apply to relicense her group home and Hodge cannot volunteer work or interact with facilities with adults with severe disabilities.

Harold Thompson is representing Hodge.

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“The state is affirmatively asking you to put her out of business,” Thompson said.

Thursday through her attorney Hodge wanted the conditions changed. Specifically, to have the ability to reapply for a license to operate her group home. The same home where her victim’s sister died in August.

The state added that it believes Hodge’s work with her group, which is currently temporarily shut down, is why she took the victim.

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Honorable Wayne C Wooten made a ruling in the hearing.

“These requested conditions are all appropriate conditions to ensure the safety and well-being of other members of the public while this case is pending,” Hon Wooten said.

Hodge’s conditions also include that she can’t go within 500 feet of the victim or any quest learning facility.

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