Brevard County

Brevard Public Schools reveals draft plan for returning students back to school


BREVARD COUNTY, Fla. — Brevard Public Schools is drafting a plan to return students to the classroom whether it be in-person, through virtual school, e-learning or some combination of instruction.

The district has also outlined a host of procedures designed to protect students and staff members, some of which will be implemented through federal coronavirus relief funding.

They include plexiglas-like masks, face shields and hand sanitizer plus additional cleaning products on-site at each school along with liquid disinfectant machines.

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Brevard Public Schools is also taking steps to change transportation routes to reduce bus capacity and adjusting school schedules to reduce the risk of students congregating in common areas.

The district’s preliminary back-to-school plan also includes a coronavirus rapid response team to monitor issues in the classroom that could result in closing classrooms or even schools and a custodial strike team, which would respond if a school reports a positive COVID-19 case.

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The Brevard Federation of Teachers said it appreciates the work put into the draft plan, but believes the district could do more to protect students and staff.

“We’d like to see more specific procedures and protocols for different situations,” said Vanessa Skipper.

The union would also like the district to consider making masks mandatory.

Board members have said they would be “expected” on bus rides to and from school and possibly in some classroom situations, but students would not be disciplined for not wearing them.

The district’s final plan will be presented to the public during next week’s school board meeting.

Read the plan below: