
9 things to know about vote-by-mail in Florida

9 things to know about requesting, casting a vote-by-mail ballot in Florida

ORLANDO, Fla. — With the general election less than two months away, people are planning just how they want to cast their vote on Nov 3.

The coronavirus pandemic is prompting more people to look into voting by mail instead of heading to the polls.

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Here are 9 things state officials say are important to know about casting a vote-by-mail ballot in Florida:

1) The deadline - The deadline to request that a vote-by-mail ballot be mailed is no later than 5 p.m. on the 10th day before the election. A request for vote-by-mail ballot must be received by Saturday, Oct. 24.

2) What is vote-by-mail? - A vote-by-mail ballot refers to a ballot that you request and pick-up or have delivered to you without having to vote at the polls during early voting or on Election Day.

3) How to request - A request for a vote-by-mail ballot can be made by applying online on your county Supervisors of Elections’s website, writing (email, fax, or mail) to Supervisor of Elections, arriving in person at Supervisor of Elections and calling the Supervisor of Elections by phone.

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4) Information needed - People who request a mail-in-ballot must have the following information: the voter’s name, address, date of birth, and signature (if the request is written and the request is to an address other than the one on file). Officials also note that an exception to this requirement exists for an absent uniformed service voter or an overseas voter seeking a vote-by-mail ballot.

5) Register to vote - A voter must first be registered to vote before he or she can request a vote-by-mail ballot.

6) Covers all elections for the year - Unless otherwise specified, a request to receive a vote-by-mail ballot covers all elections through the end of the calendar year for the second ensuing regularly scheduled general election.

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7) Check for issues - If a vote-by-mail ballot is returned undeliverable, it will cancel a request for future elections and must be renewed.

8) Request on behalf - A voter can designate an immediate family member (the designee’s spouse or the parent, child, grandparent, or sibling of the designee or of the designee’s spouse) or the voter’s legal guardian to request the ballot on their behalf.

9) Read carefully - When your ballot arrives, read it carefully and follow the instructions to complete it and return it.