
Hundreds Of Letters Sent To Casey Released

ORLANDO, Fla.,None — WFTV took a close look at hundreds of letters sent to Casey Anthony, many from complete strangers. Some want her to find religion, some want to marry her, some say they hate her and some want to help her lose weight.

THE LETTERS: Set 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 (huge files) GEORGE'S LETTERS: #1 | #2 | #3 | #4 | #5 | #6 | #7 | #8> | #9 CINDY'S LETTERS: #1 | #2 | #3 | #4 | #5 | #6 | #7 | #8 LETTER SNAPSHOTS: Images Of Various Letters TRANSCRIPTS: Plesea | Grund | Lezn. | Polisano VIDEO REPORTS: Cindy's Letters | George's Letters

Some of the letters also came from Casey Anthony's family. All were written to Casey since she's been locked up in the Orange County jail.

More than 5,000 pages of letters were released to WFTV Friday. One thing is sure, after reading the letters, a lot of people are following the case from all over.

Casey's parents wrote and begged Casey to let them see her at the jail and begged her to write to them.

WFTV took a closer look at a particularly cryptic and emotional letter from George Anthony. It's one of many he's written to Casey during the past two years.

In most of his letters, George offers love and support and begs Casey to let him visit her.

But WFTV found out another letter was just sent at the end of March, where George Anthony was apparently "very upset" with Casey. George accused her of destroying their family.

In the letter, he demanded answers from Casey Anthony.

However, in his previous letters he called her "beautiful" and "sweetheart" and told her how much he loved her.

But that changed on March 25, 2010.

George Anthony begged Casey to let him visit her in jail. He always told her he loved her and missed her and Caylee.

He said he loved her "no matter what," emphasizing that statement.

In November of 2009, he said he was going to schedule visits with her at the jail and begged her to agree to see him. He told her he needed to hug her, hear her voice, and see her face if only for a minute.

George believed Casey's lawyers were stopping her from visiting with him and said "you can make it happen. You're the boss. So what if the media gets some of it." He told her that the conversation would be under her control.

WFTV learned Friday that George scheduled a visit with Casey one week after Caylee's remains were found, but he never saw her.

In one letter, George lamented over not being a better father. In March 2009, he told Casey she had put on weight and told her "just be careful."

George Anthony signed his letters, "Papa Joe." Caylee used to call him "Joe Joe."

But just three months ago, George wrote a very different letter, days after Casey's lawyers got copies of her letters to another jail inmate where she claimed her brother Lee and George had molested her when she was a child.

George was very angry about that accusation. He said defense attorney Jose Baez delivered disturbing news and asked two heartbreaking questions. He said he was numb.

George asked Casey, "Why destroy Lee? Why destroy me your family, and even Caylee after all he had sacrificed."

Then, the letter just ended. He did not say that he loved her, nor did he call her sweetheart.


Cindy Anthony wrote about her heartache over losing both of them and sent Casey photos of Caylee. She sent some of the Caylee photos a month before Caylee's remains were found near their house.

Of one photo Cindy wrote: "One of my favorites. She was trying to tell us something even then. She loves her momma."

The jail won't say whether Casey has the photos up in her cell.

Cindy apologized for not writing more often, telling Casey, "I speak to you every day, as I do to Caylee," and that she used to seek refuge in Casey's and Caylee's rooms, but it had become almost unbearable.

Cindy told Casey she felt better about herself after getting her tattoo in Caylee's honor. Cindy said she was angry that the photos of Casey's tattoo, which also showed sores on her back, were released and that she was worried about Casey's health.

Cindy begged Casey to write back, even though Casey had been told not to. In one letter, Cindy wrote, "I love you more today than ever. You know how much you have always meant to me."

In strangers' letters, WFTV found a $300 check and someone told Casey she should marry Joran van der Sloot, because they're "both compulsive liars and killers."

An Orlando woman, who wrote Casey a supportive letter before Caylee was found, told WFTV on Friday that her compassion has waned.

"If it wasn't her, then she knows something, ‘cause you don't wait 30 days. If my dogs were missing 30 seconds, I'd be freaking out," Tammie Foster told WFTV.

Cindy told Casey she had to mail letters, because defense attorney Jose Baez couldn't bring them to her anymore; if he was ever caught doing it, he could have lost his privileges to meet with Casey at the jail.

It's unknown if Casey ever wrote back.


There's a hearing scheduled for July 15 and, unlike the last hearing, Casey is required to be there. During the hearing, they're expected to discuss Cindy's frantic 911 call to report Caylee missing. They will also go over records from the group Texas EquuSearch.

Meanwhile, the defense has scheduled depositions for two new witnesses. A woman who helped search near the area where Caylee Anthony's remains were found will be deposed in August.

In July, a second witness will give his deposition and Casey's lawyers also plan to question experts at the Oakridge National Lab in Tennessee.


The case against Casey Anthony was back in court Monday afternoon for a status hearing, but Casey did not attend. Judge Perry said she doesn't have to come to the monthly status hearings, which won't involve arguments on major issues.

In her absence, one of her lawyers argued the 911 calls made by Cindy Anthony should not be heard in her murder trial.

"There's something wrong. I found my daughter's car today and it smells like there's been a dead body in the damn car," Cindy Anthony said in the 911 call (hear it).

RAW VIDEO: Status Hearing RAW INTERVIEW: Casey's Attorney Talks To WFTV BILL SHEAFFER: Talks About Status Hearing VIDEO REPORT: Casey's Defense Flip-Flops DOCUMENT: Motion To Hear 911 Call CINDY'S 911 CALLS: Dead Body | Turn In Casey | Caylee Gone

However, Judge Perry decided during the less than 30 minute hearing that the issue over 911 calls will be heard at an already-scheduled hearing July 15.

WFTV also learned Monday, there's new information about the site where Caylee's body was found. The defense has now flip-flopped on claims it has made all along, claims it made that it had evidence that EquuSearch volunteers had already looked for Caylee in the woods where she was found months earlier and found nothing.

That was the cornerstone of their argument that someone put Caylee's body there after Casey was kept behind bars. The defense argued Monday for throwing it out.

The case against Casey Anthony started with the frantic 911 call, made by her mother Cindy just minutes after finding out that Caylee had been missing for 31 days. In the call, Cindy stated that Casey's car smelled like a dead body and that got the attention of Orange County deputies. But now Cindy claims it was all an act to get them there sooner, even though Casey's lawyers admit Cindy said the same thing to her co-workers that same day; her co-workers forced her to go home, call police and get to the bottom of it.

The defense is claiming the 911 call was not an excited utterance, but rather hearsay that should not be allowed in as evidence.

"There wasn't anything excited about it. It was contrived and planned and several hours lapsed by," defense lawyer Cheney Mason said.

The judge will hear both sides' arguments next month.

Meanwhile, the defense has completely reversed itself on whether Texas EquuSearch volunteers searched the woods late in the summer of 2008, where Caylee was found months later, but it's still trying to disprove what prosecution experts say, that Casey put her daughter Caylee's body there in June.

"What do you have that shows she was not there in June?" WFTV reporter Kathi Belich asked Mason.

"That's when Caylee was missing. We don't know when she disappeared," Mason replied.

"The problem for the defense is that the forensics support the fact that that child's body was there in late June or early July at a time when Casey was not incarcerated," legal analyst Bill Sheaffer said.

The defense also appears to be backing off of the claim that Orange County meter reader Roy Kronk, who found Caylee's remains, should be a suspect in Caylee's murder. It asked for more time to decide whether to list Kronk's ex-wives as witnesses after they made wild accusations against him, one of them involving duct tape like the tape that was found over Caylee's face.

Casey Anthony will have to appear at the next court hearing. Both sides will be back in court on July 15. They will once again discuss Cindy's 911 call and records from the group Texas EquuSearch; volunteers from EquuSearch helped to look for Caylee shortly after she was reported missing.

Also, more evidence is expected to be released in the next few weeks.


Casey Anthony's defamation trial has now been scheduled for August 29, 2011. That's a year and a half later than the date discussed at the last hearing.

That means the civil trial will happen after Casey's criminal trial, which is set for May 2011.

Sometime soon, attorneys representing Casey's accuser, Zenaida Gonzalez, will be deposing Casey's jail pen pal, Robyn Adams, who's now in federal prison.

Gonzalez has the same name as Caylee's alleged nanny, who detectives say does not exist.

Previous Stories: June 21, 2010: Casey's Defense Flip-Flops; Hearing Set For 911 Calls June 15, 2010: George Anthony Shows Off Tattoo On GMA June 11, 2010: Lead Investigator Questioned In Casey Case June 10, 2010: Prosecutors Want Cindy Anthony's 911 Call Heard June 8, 2010: Judge Denies Request To Seal Casey's Visitors June 4, 2010: Witnesses Deposed In Casey Anthony Case June 3, 2010: Casey's Statement On Courthouse Fall Released June 2, 2010: Video Released Of Casey Falling At Courthouse June 2, 2010: Casey A No-Show At Court Hearing After Falling