George Anthony Texted Alleged "Other Woman"

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla.,None — WFTV learned more about the "other woman" who says she was in George Anthony's life. The woman says the relationship was going on while Caylee was missing and for months afterward.

River Cruz told WFTV she never wanted to get involved, but had to when detectives came knocking.

George Anthony's alleged mistress left the Orange County Sheriff's Office Monday with her camera and phone, which detectives had returned after lifting evidence from them.

ALLEGED MISTRESS: Images | Raw Video VIDEO REPORT: "Other Woman" Revealed

She says she's not trying to make money by revealing their year-long affair.

"If I wanted to cash in, I would've cashed in two years ago. This has nothing to do with money. River Cruz 031510 River Cruz That's ridiculous. I didn't come to anybody. They came knocking on my door. My door," Cruz said.

WFTV was told she met George in the summer of 2008 when she volunteered to help find Caylee and by Thanksgiving of that year after their affair had started, George told her Caylee's death was an accident that snowballed out of control.

That would have been a month before Caylee's remains were found when the Anthonys were insisting that Caylee was still alive with kidnappers.

WFTV was also told that under oath, George gave a description of Caylee's alleged mystery nanny, which actually matches his alleged mistress. Also, when she confronted him about the resemblance, George agreed and chuckled.

WFTV obtained a text message she says George sent her just five days after Caylee's remains were found near the Anthonys' house.

It says, "Just thinking about you! I need you in my life."

Its date and time stamp says December 16 at 4:22pm.

The woman says she gave George about $5,000 after he cried poor and WFTV was told George told her he deposited the money in an account under his mother's maiden name.

George Anthony's lawyer has not commented on the allegations.

Casey Anthony's murder trial is set for May 11, 2011


WFTV learned Friday that a woman said she had a relationship with Casey Anthony's father, George Anthony and that woman was questioned by detectives.

It turns out that woman looks a lot like the description George gave detectives of Zenaida Gonzalez, also known as "Zanny the nanny."

Casey claimed it was the nanny who took her daughter, Caylee Anthony.

DOCUMENTS: Modify Order | Judge's Decision VIDEO REPORT: Woman Claims Affair With George

Skye Benhaida told WFTV that her sister provided investigators with information that she was having an affair with George Anthony that started soon after Casey was arrested. She said it lasted for about a year

"She was in love with George," said Benhaida.

Benhaida said George told her sister that Caylee's death was an accident. But she said her sister never asked about Caylee's death.

"She told him that, 'I would never ask you that.' In reply, he said it was an accident that snowballed out of control," Benhaida said.

WFTV legal analyst Bill Sheaffer says if George really did say Caylee's death was an accident, it's bad news for the defense.

"This would apparently foreclose any defense that someone outside of the Anthony family is responsible for that child's death," said Sheaffer.

Benhaida claims George apparently used her sister as a model for what Zenaida, the alleged nanny, looked like; right down to a tattoo that her sister has.

Benhaida said, "Nice teeth and a tattoo down her left arm."

She said her sister gave George almost $5,000 over the course of their affair and was told by investigators that George had taken money from other women as well.

The sister also said that she had photos on a phone of she and George in intimate situations and shared them with detectives as well as the numerous text messages they exchanged using all three of George's cell phones.

WFTV asked George Anthony's lawyer about the issue and he said he's not received any information from investigators about it. Also, he would not answer any direct questions about whether George had an affair with the woman, but he did not deny that it happened.

Casey's defense team spokeswoman's response to WFTV's questions about all of this was "no comment."

Meanwhile, two new motions were filed Friday in the case and neither of the documents are good news for Casey's defense team.

Judge Stan Strickland denied Casey's attorneys request to stop the Orange County jail from videotaping their visits.

Her lawyer's said the security video intrudes on their attorney-client privilege, but the judge didn't agree.

Lawyers for Texas EquuSearch filed a motion responding to the defense.

Attorney Mark Nejame says the organization can't give more information about a volunteer because she wasn't assigned to search the area where Caylee's remains were found.

Also, Casey's parents have hired a new lawyer to help them save their home from foreclosure.

Attorney Mark Lippman is now representing George and Cindy Anthony, according to paperwork filed in Orange County.

WFTV first reported last month when the Anthony's home on Hopespring Drive went into foreclosure, after they failed to make a mortgage payment for nine months.

The family's home is the last known place Caylee was seen alive.


The state released 10 CDs Wednesday in the case against Casey Anthony, but they only show scientific DNA charts incomprehensible to anyone who doesn't study DNA.

EXAMPLE OF EVIDENCE: See 'Incomprehensible' Evidence MOTIONS TO EXCLUDE: Party Pics | Innuendos | Testimony VIDEO REPORT: Defense Wants Evidence Blocked PARTY PICS: Casey With Friends

WFTV also obtained newly-released paperwork that reveals all the negative comments about Casey the defense team wants left out of the trial. Many of them were comments by Casey's own friends.

Looking at the 10 CDs themselves will tell you as much about the case as looking at what's on them, DNA charts without explanation or labels (see an example), many of which wouldn't even open. Sources told WFTV that the State Attorney's Office and the defense had similar problems actually accessing the files.

PREVIOUSLY: EVIDENCE RELEASED 2/16/10 » Knife, Duct Tape | Car Seat » Syringe, Gatorade Bottle, Substances » Baby Doll | Steering Wheel Cover » Alternate Light Source | Miscellaneous Pics » Still Image From WFTV Video Of Tape

But, a year and a half into the case, the defense is starting to do the real work of preparing for trial.

Investigators did DNA tests on Casey Anthony, her parents and her brother Lee before Caylee was found and determined that a hair found in Casey's trunk was from Caylee's dead body. Now, the defense wants to keep a frantic 911 call from Casey's mother about the trunk out of the trial (read motion).

"I found my daughter's car today and it smells like there's been a dead body in the damn car," she told the dispatcher.

The defense says it's not really an "excited utterance" during a time of stress, which would be admissible and could be considered by a jury to be truthful.

"That one the defense is going to have a problem with. That should come into evidence," WFTV legal analyst Bill Sheaffer said.

Sheaffer said, even if the judge rules to keep it out, it could come back in if Cindy tells her new story under oath that she really thought Casey's trunk smelled like rotting pizza.

Sheaffer said the photos of Casey partying (see pics) before Caylee disappeared probably won't be admitted (read motion), but the jury probably will see the photos taken less than a week after Caylee disappeared.

"She was out there partying, unconcerned. It shows her state of mind," Sheaffer said.

The defense also wants to keep out comments from Casey's friends, and even Orange County Detective Yuri Melich, when they accuse her of lying (read motion).

"What happened to Caylee?" Melich asked Casey during questioning.

"I don't know," she said.

"Sure you do," Melich replied.

"I don't know," Casey said.

Sheaffer said the defense probably will be able to keep non-expert witnesses' opinions out and keep their testimony limited to what they observed firsthand.

"At least now we're starting to see some effort on the part of the defense to defend this woman and to take care, by way of exclusion, of what is prejudicial or damning evidence," Sheaffer said.

Prosecutors will file responses to the defense's requests and the judge will most likely hold hearings before ruling on the issues.


The newly-released evidence comes just hours after the Orange County Clerk of Courts agreed that Anthony cannot afford to pay for her own defense. Casey Anthony's attorney, Jose Baez, filed a motion requesting that Casey be declared indigent.

INDIGENCE: Motion | Fees | Approved Application

However, WFTV legal analyst Bill Sheaffer said Wednesday afternoon that Casey can only be declared indigent for the purposes of cost by a judge. The judge could either issue an order declaring her indigent for "the purposes of cost" or set a hearing to consider the issue.

Casey says she is broke and can no longer afford to pay to defend herself against the murder charges she is facing. However, criminal defense attorney Chris Smith said that should be the least of anyone's worries.

"The real concern is they did this case and it wasn't prepared properly and has to be tried all over again. I think that's where everybody's real concern should be," Smith said.

Casey has already paid lead attorney Jose Baez nearly $90,000 and Andrea Lyons has received more than $20,000 in compensation. Smith said that is nothing when you consider all the work that has gone into the case since Caylee Anthony was killed two years ago.

"Those fees are actually pretty low given the amount of work in this case," Smith said.

Casey is not scheduled to go to trial until May 2011 and there could be appeals after the trial.

If a judge declares Casey indigent, Smith said taxpayers should not worry about that too much, because every dollar spent on indigent defendants is closely monitored by the Justice Administrative Commission in Tallahassee.

"You have to go through a very intense process to get every cost approved prior. You're going to have to go and get it authorized to get paid subsequent. So they get two hearings," explained Smith. "The Justice Administrative Commission doesn't give up its money very easily. They're going to file a lot of motions [and] fight for every dime."

Some of the money to pay Baez and Lyons may have come from hundreds of thousands of dollars that the ABC network paid Casey for exclusive photos and videos of her daughter she is accused of killing. Sources told Eyewitness News that most of defense attorney Andrea Lyons' compensation has been spent on airfare and investigations.

A hearing to determine Casey's "indigency for costs" request will be held March 18 at 11:00am. Judge Stan Strickland will hear the motion.


Meanwhile, prosecutors have about two weeks to decide whether they'll share new evidence with the defense or ask a judge to keep it sealed a little longer. Last month, the judge allowed prosecutors to keep information, which could be damaging to Casey, secret for 30 days.

Also, another 1,000 pages of evidence are expected to be released soon.

Previous Stories: March 12, 2010: Woman Claims She Had Affair With George Anthony March 10, 2010: Casey Wants 911, Comments Blocked; DNA Charts Released March 9, 2010: Defense Wants Casey Party Pics Thrown Out March 5, 2010: New Evidence Soon To Be Released In Casey Case February 24, 2010: Casey Prosecutors Allowed To Keep Evidence Secret February 23, 2010: Foreclosure Papers Filed On Anthony's Home February 23, 2010: Zenaida Gonzalez Files Witness List In Casey Case February 18, 2010: Anthony Allotta, D.O., Earns "Partners In The Business Of Education Award" February 17, 2010: Is Casey's Defense Team Running Out Of Money? February 16, 2010: Legal Expert: Evidence Suggests Only Casey As Suspect February 16, 2010: Knife, Syringe Among Photos Released In Casey Case February 15, 2010: Attorney Leaving Casey's Defense Team February 12, 2010: Casey's Defense Wants Private Meeting Denied February 12, 2010: EquuSearch Attorney: Baez Motion Is A Waste Of Time February 5, 2010: Juror Surveys Call Casey's Attorney "Rat," "Jerk" February 4, 2010: Why Does Casey's Trial Keep Getting Delayed? February 4, 2010: Casey Case Prosecutors Want To Withhold Info