
Trump campaign kicks off bus tour with 180 on vote by mail


KISSIMMEE, Fla. — For weeks, President Donald Trump has been openly questioning the integrity of voting by mail, but Monday’s Trump campaign bus tour kicked off in Kissimmee, and the message was clear: “Voter by mail is safe, at least in Florida.”

“Vote absentee, you guys are so lucky in Florida you actually have an honest system,” said the president’s son Eric Trump in his remarks to the gathered crowd of supporters. “You have an honest system, so go out and vote absentee.”

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While Florida eliminated absentee voting in 2016 in favor of voting by mail, the message from the Trump team and the GOP volunteers at a voter registration tent was the same, vote with your mail ballot.

For weeks the Florida GOP has watched as Democrats have surpassed them in requests for vote-by-mail ballots, something that in previous election cycles had not happened. In fact in the last two statewide election it is Florida Republicans who have clearly dominated the vote-by-mail option.

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For the party, voters that request a ballot are more likely to vote. This bankable vote has given the Florida GOP a tool needed to eat into Democratic gains in early voting and day-of voting.