9 Investigates

Orlando police officer accused of having sex on duty resigns


ORLANDO, Fla. — An Orlando police officer resigned in the middle of an investigation over allegations he had sex while on duty and lied about it.

9 Investigates first learned about the internal investigation two months ago.

The city of Orlando released the final report and video related to the case to investigative reporter Daralene Jones this week.

The police chief said the officer would have been fired had he not resigned, because the behavior is unacceptable.

Body cam video shows the moment two Orlando police officers pulled a Wawa clerk off the job to question her about allegedly stalking one of their own.

"The reason we're here talking to you, instead of here arresting you, is because it's already been brought up, all the way up the chain to our legal -- to lawyers and everything -- and they are wanting us to give you an opportunity, one more chance, an opportunity, to make this all stop," one of the officers could be heard saying.

An internal affairs report said she became sexually involved with Orlando police Cpl. Robert Carey, a 13-year veteran with the department.

The two met for sex while on duty, even exchanging racy text messages just before or after the encounters.

According to the report, the woman texted the officer: "Are you off work now? What time can you leave?"

Internal investigators found similar text messages, and the woman took a polygraph to prove the two were involved.

In one exchange, the woman said about one meetup: "And you had on your uniform. I loved that."

Carey denied the affair, telling investigators the two did a lot of "fantasy texting," but a timesheet audit by the department, coupled with the testimony by the woman, including that polygraph, revealed Carey was not being truthful.

"We, local and state, we represent 0.03 percent of the entire population, and we are entrusted to provide that service," Orlando police Chief Orlando Rolon said. "We are expected to rise above."

The former officer's new wife initiated a harassment complaint against the woman, because it seems the officer tried to break this off without luck.

Since the officer resigned, he will retain a portion of his retirement benefits, because he served 13 years on the force.