Documents: Orange County deputy quit following prostitution sex scandal

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ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. — 9 Investigates uncovered a longtime Orange County Sheriff Deputy quit while he was under investigation for allegedly paying a prostitute for sex.

Documents obtained by Channel 9 claim Sgt. Mike Asbury was caught because the woman's house was already under surveillance!

Investigators said the prostitute was advertising herself online.

Asbury did not allegedly have sex with any prostitutes on duty or look up an advertisements on his computer, according to investigators.

Agents were investigating an undisclosed home in Casselberry after neighbors complained of too many people going in and out.

The neighbors suspected there were prostitutes and drugs, so they took pictures of men going inside the home, investigators said.

Deputies said when they looked at the photos, one of them thought the man looked like a cop.

Investigators checked the license plate of Asbury’s car and it linked back to the Sheriff’s Office.

An agent recognized Asbury as one of their own SWAT team members, investigators said.

The incident happened on Nov. 9, but investigators with the Sheriff’s Office didn’t speak with Asbury until April.

Asbury told investigators he only visited the prostitute once and paid $140 for sex.

He then told investigators he was embarrassed, humiliated and was very humbled, investigators said.

Asbury resigned in May.

Charges were never filed.

The Sheriff’s Office did not release the prostitute’s name.

Contact Shannon Butler for more on this story.