Disney’s Animal Kingdom welcomes a new family member to its cast

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ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. — Cuteness alert! It’s a girl!

It’s a girl! A female baby mandrill, seen here bonding with first-time mom Hazel, was born April 10, 2021, at Disney’s Animal Kingdom Theme Park at Walt Disney World Resort in Lake Buena Vista, Fla. Guests may catch a glimpse of mom and the healthy newborn, named Ivy, while onboard the park’s Kilimanjaro Safaris attraction. With this birth, the troop at Disney’s Animal Kingdom now includes four generations of mandrills from the same family, mirroring the social system of mandrills found in the wild. This birth is the latest example of how Disney animal care experts partner with the Association of Zoos and Aquariums on Species Survival Plans to ensure responsible breeding for endangered species. (David Roark, photographer)

A baby mandrill has joined the family at Disney’s Animal Kingdom. First-time mom Hazel and dad Linus welcomed baby Ivy to the world on Saturday, April 10.

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Ivy weighed in at less than 2 pounds when she was born. For now, the baby clings to mom, but will begin to walk within a few weeks.

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Mandrills are actually the largest species of monkey and typically have a six-month gestation period.

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With this birth, the troop at Disney’s Animal Kingdom now includes four generations of mandrills from the same family, mirroring the social system of mandrills found in the wild.

Guests can catch a glimpse of mom and newborn on the Kilimanjaro Safaris.