
Test results show high levels of potentially cancer-causing byproduct in Wedgefield water


WEDGEFIELD. Fla. — New test results showed high levels of a potentially cancer-causing byproduct in the water at two Wedgefield homes.
Channel 9 has followed the story since a former lab employee alleged improper testing of Pluris water in March. Wedgefield residents have complained about their water quality for years, but they said the tests finally give them proof that the Pluris water coming from their faucets is not right.

Document 1: Pluris water results 
"People say, 'You know, I've had dogs die of cancer.' People get sick, but it's kind of an urban legend until you see it on paper," resident Natalie Harris said.
Resident Tim McKinney, who is running for the District 5 seat, said residents know the potentially devastating consequences, which include liver and kidney problems and an increased risk of bladder cancer.  
The water contains high levels of trihalomethanes, which are byproducts from chlorine used to clean water. The federal level is 80 parts per billion, but water from Harris' faucet tested at 159 parts per billion.

Document 2: More Pluris water results
Water at homes a couple of blocks away tested at 132 and 123 parts per billion, respectively.
"I do have a filter, but this test was taken after my filter," Harris said.
The test results come a month after the Department of Environmental Protection ruled Wedgefield water safe to drink and two weeks after residents said they saw Pluris flushing their water lines after learning of the county's testing.
The EPD is testing 18 homes and notifying the state and people who live in Wedgefield.
"We want safe and reliable and affordable water. That's what we deserve," Harris said.

FAQ: Wedgefield water testing
District 5 Commissioner Ted Edwards could not be reached for comment about residents' concerns, but the county said he asked the EPD to start testing.
Pluris officials could not be reach for comment.