
Seminole County home vandalized with spray-painted swastika

SEMINOLE COUNTY, Fla. — Sheriff’s deputies are investigating after a Seminole County homeowner woke up to a swastika painted on his garage door.

The homeowner told Channel 9 he’s not painting over the graffiti just yet because he wants everyone to see it, hoping people will talk and someone who knows something will call deputies.

The message was spray-painted in black and covers much of the garage door.

Many in the Autumn Glen neighborhood near Dike and Dodd roads said they were outraged.

“I think that’s disgusting. I think we should be way past this kind of thing,” Mildred Hall. “I’m really literally shocked that’s what happened. More than surprised, I am shocked.”

The vandal spray painted the word “surprise” underneath the swastika with an exclamation point.

The homeowner asked not to be identified.

He said his wife is Jewish and he firmly believes her religion and their home were targeted.

The homeowner said he walked through the neighborhood to see if any other homes were targeted and he didn’t find anyone.

Residents said they stopped in their tracks when they saw the symbol.

“It’s absolutely sad in this day and age. You absolutely would not expect anything like that anymore,” said resident Michelle Sauls.

The Seminole County Sheriff’s Office sent deputies to the home to take a report.

Neighbors hope deputies make an arrest soon..

“This is 2015. Get with reality. Get real. Be a real person. Get a passport, get on a plane, get to know the world and yourself,” said Hall.

The homeowner said he doesn’t have issues with anyone in the neighborhood.

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