
Problematic Orange County trash service improving, residents say

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. — Things are getting better for trash customers in Orange County.

For months, Channel 9 has reported on numerous issues, like garbage piling up outside homes for weeks.

Since then, the contractors have been fined and now, officials and residents say things are better.

Channel 9’s Roy Ramos went straight to Solid Waste Management and asked why it took so long to get things right.

The company said more than 99 percent of residents are getting service this month without any interruptions.

Documents: First 90 days

The Orange County automated curbside trash pickup was a service that was off to a rough start.

“All I wanted them to do was show up,” said resident Carolyn McCreery, 71.

McCreery knows all too well of the county’s automated curbside track pickup, and all the problems the program has dealt with since launching the service this year.

“I think they were overwhelmed. I don’t think they realized how many houses they were actually going to have,” McCreery said.

Trash sat outside McCreery’s home for a week before it was picked up.

On Thursday, the county released an update on how the collection service had performed in its first 90 days.

“Our misses are down almost 18 percent over last month. We expect that decline to continue,” said Jim Becker, the manager of Orange County Solid Waste Division.

Compared to February, the Solid Waste Division said complaints are also down from 103 to 85 per day.

Becker said contractors are still adjusting to challenges with the program.

“They had to learn new routes, new service requirements, dealing with traffic and adjust their routes to deal with those types of things,” said Becker.

Residents who were initially faced with pickup issued said the program has made some significant improvements.

“Takes then a while to iron out the problems they had, but I have seen an improvement,” said resident Barbara Logan.

The county said it doesn’t have any planned changes.

A 90-day update will be presented to commissioners for review at the end of the month.

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