
Osceola County announces minor league baseball team, asks fans to pick new name


OSCEOLA COUNTY, Fla. — Osceola County has a new minor league baseball team.

The Manatees will relocate from Brevard to the Osceola Heritage Stadium starting next spring.

The county had been trying to recruit a new team since the Astros moved to West Palm Beach.

County commissioners announced Wednesday that next year, the facility will be the new home to the Brevard County Manatees.

The team is an affiliate of the Milwaukee Brewers.

“We are going to make sure that they have a fantastic time at the ballpark, they are entertained, that we make them laugh,” said Brevard County Manatees team president Joe Harrington.

Osceola County is a diverse community with a large Hispanic population. Visitors come from all over central and South America.

“By having it here, we can tap into the thousands of Brazilians, Ecuadorians and other folks that come to our community on a yearly basis, and once again provide that more affordable family entertainment that they might be able to experience,” said District 3 Osceola County Commissioner Brandon Harrington.

The team wants to change its name and wants to public to help.

“We want your submission,” said Harrington.

Fans can submit their new team names for the existing Brevard County Manatees minor league team coming to Osceola County here: www.probaseballbackincentralflorida.com