
Leesburg residents say their mail keeps disappearing


Dozens of people in Leesburg are complaining about losing money after recent incidences of identity theft. They say they’re out hundreds of dollars and are now worried about identity theft because they believe someone is stealing their mail
More than 50 people have said the problem has  worsened over the past two months especially.
Some residents complain the problems occur when they drop their cards in outdoor mailboxes and that when they cards eventually get to the recipients, they’re torn up, and whatever gift card they’ve placed inside is missing. Some of the envelopes have been opened and resealed. Others report they're missing important tax documents and bills.
Many of the claims from residents were reported on the “Next Door” app and came from both the senders’ and recipients’ end.
Several residents said they complained to the local postmaster and the Postal Service of Inspectors General but never heard back.
Officials with the Office of Inspector General told Eyewitness News 9 they are aware of the complaints and are monitoring the situation. They said this type of behavior is not tolerated and an overwhelming number of postal employees are trustworthy and hardworking people. Bot the USPS and The Office of Inspector General provided the following responses:
Debra Fetterly, a USPS Spokesperson in the Suncoast District said:
"The Postal Service strives to provide the best possible service to our valued customers. We apologize for any inconvenience that our customers may have been experienced. We appreciate their patience as local postal officials take steps to address the situation. Customers are reminded that, if they need assistance with mailing and delivery, there are a variety of options for reaching us, including contacting their local Post Office, calling 1-800-ASK-USPS (1-800-275-8777) or visiting our website at www.usps.com/help." 
Jeldrys Lowry Public Information Officer,  Southern Area Field Office, U.S. Postal Service Office of Inspector General also issued a statement that said:
"U.S. Postal Service Office of Inspector General (USPS OIG) is aware of complaints regarding missing mail in the Leesburg, FL area. Currently we are reviewing the matter and monitoring the situation. 
The U.S. Postal Service employs more than 625,000 employees and is the largest civilian federal workforce in the country. This type of alleged behavior within the Postal Service is not tolerated and the overwhelming majority of Postal Service employees, which serve the public, are honest, hardworking, and trustworthy individuals who would never consider engaging in any type of criminal behavior."