
‘I don't know what I'm going to do without her,' friend says of mother found dismembered in Orlando


ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. — Orlando police announced on Friday that Olivia Renee Diggs, 32, a mother of three, was found dismembered in Lake Underhill earlier this week.

Diggs, who was homeless, was found about 11 a.m. Monday along the shoreline near Palmer Street.

"I don't know what I'm going to do without her. She was my rock,” said Susan Friel, Diggs friend.


Police roped off a stretch of the lake from the boat ramp to the west edge of the lake as they continued their investigation.

Friends told Channel 9’s Janine Reyes that Diggs was happy and was getting her life together.

Diggs had been living in area shelters with her children.

“I can’t believe this happened to her, not her. She was such a good person, she loved everybody,” Friel said.

READ: Autopsy complete of woman whose body was found dismembered in Lake Underhill

The Orange County Medical Examiner’s Office said on Wednesday it will take weeks before they can determine and release the cause of death.

“How she died is horrible. I can't believe somebody could do that to someone. What kind of person does that to someone? It's not a person, it's an animal,” Friel said.

Diggs posted on Facebook in March that she "realized how blessed i am to have my kids and be a part of their lives.” She also shared her faith in God on Facebook.

“Olivia was a very outspoken person, she always talked about God and the love of Jesus Christ,” Alicia Palmer said.

The two women met Diggs’ at the woman’s residential and counseling center.

Eyewitness News went through Digg’s court records and found a letter she wrote to a judge six years ago after a marijuana charge. A grand jury later tossed out the charge, but she wrote, “I need help, not jail. That's why I'm working on getting more help, please help me."

Police are asking anyone who knows Diggs or saw her recently to please call Crimeline at 1-800-423-8477.

Police have not released any information on Diggs’ children and their whereabouts.

Contact Janine Reyes or Mike Manzoni for more on this story.