
Expressway toll increases could be delayed until 2018, Florida officials say

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. — Tolls on several highways in Central Florida are scheduled to increase this summer, but the Florida Expressway Authority is looking at delaying the price hike until 2018.

The Expressway Authority has already seen toll incomes increase by 11 percent last year to about $390 million.

As the toll increase policy currently stands, a person spending $100 a month in tolls would end up paying $115 this summer and $132 by 2022.

Under a new policy officials are looking into, toll prices wouldn’t increase at all until 2018 and would then increase by about 1.5 cents every year after that.

With an increase that small, driver Bonnie Miller didn’t think she would have any problem paying the extra.

“That’s not going to bother me,” she said. “I pay more than that on taxes going to lunch.”

Channel 9 asked Expressway Authority treasurer Jay Madera why any toll increase is necessary considering the income increase in the past year.

“The increase will help fund future projects and expansion of the roadway and additional safety projects,” he said.